3D Animation

Toy Model Project

March 28, 2016

Your next project is to do a model of a toy. I want you to bring a toy from home and the toy can be anything simple, I just want you to stay away from humanoid toys or dolls. Stuffed animals are fine. It can be anything from a toy car to a Mr. Potato Head. The faster you bring your toy in the faster we can get to modeling. You will keep your toy in my classroom so it doesn't get lost. Also, I'm requiring that you not only do a replicate model of your toy but also want you to place it in an environment. Below are some examples of what I'm looking for...

Interior Design Project

January 25, 2016

Pick any room interior design you want and I want you to model a replica of it in 3D. It can be a room from a cartoon show, movie, video game... but your must have a reference picture that you can look back at. Try and replicate every little detail in the room, from lamps to books or even the trimming on the wall. After you model your room and texture it. I will show you how to add lighting to your model. Let me know when you get to that point. Below are some examples of some of my students did last year so you have an idea of what I'm looking for.

So you guys are already pretty far along with your room interior project, great job and keep up the good work! This week try and finish your last bit of modeling and start adding your textures. We should aim to finish this project by this week, if not next week. You can do it guys! :)

Logo Design

January 6, 2015

Hey guys, 

So like I said, I wanted to start using my blog to assist you with your projects from all the way from listing project details to tutorials and videos for you to watch.

For this project I want you to design a logo, it can be an existing logo or you can create one for yourself, it's up to you. After we design the logo and everybody is on the same page I will show you how to do some basic animation with it and also post a tutorial video in case you forget. If you have a picture of your logo you can use the image as a guide when modeling, just create a plane and then apply your image as a texture. I want to see a nice backdrop along with your logo, I don't want to see any "Maya Space". Also try and keep it under 10 seconds, we want it to be short, sweet and simple. Temporary due date for this project will be Friday, January 30... it just depends on how far everybody will get with this project as it gets closer to the due date. 

Below is a video on how to add text in Maya. Keep in mind though that before you actually hit the 'create' button when making text, make sure that you have 'Poly' and also 'Quads' selected.

This video below shows you some basic animation and how to make keyframes on your timeline. Definitely watch this video, it's very helpful especially since it's the first time you're being introduced to animating in 3D.

This video below shows how to render out your animation. It's simple and straight to the point. 

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