
Double Exposure Portraits

April 18, 2016

Your next project consists of creating a double exposure in Photoshop. You will need to get 3 portrait pictures of either yourself or someone else and 3 pictures of landscapes or environments. Once you have your photos we will then combine them into a double exposure. Below is a video tutorial of how to achieve that effect and also some examples of what I'm looking for. 



Tilt Shift Photography

March 28, 2016

On our next project we will be learning a technique called Tilt Shift. This technique helps to add good miniature effect to your photographs, shoot subjects from a high angle (especially from the air). It creates the illusion of looking down at a miniature model. If you're having a hard time getting high angle pics then you're more than welcome to use images from the internet. You need at least 3 different photos. This project should not take you long to complete so I'm giving you till Thursday, April 7 to finish since I will be out on Friday. Let me know if you have any questions. 

Below is a short, sweet and simple video to show you the process of how to achieve the tilt shift effect by using Photoshop.

Creative Self Portraits

Student Work

Good job on your creative self portraits guys! Y'all did an AWESOME JOB! :)

Faceless Portraits

December 1, 2015

Take a portrait of a different person every day without including their face in the frame. How can you reveal aspects of their personality without the aid of eye contact and expression? Use the environment, the lighting, colors, props and other parts of their body - particularly their hands - to reveal character instead. You need at least 8 different pictures. This project is due Friday, December 11. You have about 2 weeks to work on this and that's more than enough time to get your pictures in. Below are some examples of what I'm looking for. As always, get creative with it and have fun! :)

History of Photography

September 1, 2015

Alright guys, first things first... before we get to using the cameras we must learn a little bit of the history of photography. Below is a video that we will be watching in class but I'm posting it so that you can reference back to it because we may or may not have a quiz tomorrow! Dunn, dunn DUNNNN!!!

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